Glasgow has a lot to offer, whether you are looking to have a drink, enjoy a good meal, listen to live music, or just relax in a park. On this page, you will find references and suggestions to make the best of your free time during the summer school.

General Information

A lot of information, history and advice can be found on the WikiTravel page for Glasgow.
Many other ressources are available:

(see also our Local Information page)

Areas of Glasgow


The school venue is located on the University campus, which itself is part of the City Centre.
Most of what the city has to offer in terms of entertainment (restaurants, bars, museums, arts venues…) can be found in the City Centre, or in the West End, with the area East of the university (the East End), being more residential.

A few notable areas concentrate many of Glasgow’s bars, restaurants, and nightlife venues:

Organisers’ suggestions

Among the many possibilities the city offers, here is a list of a few suggestions. You can find their location in the city on the map below.


If you like beers and ales,  see what’s brewing at

Whisky pubs

If you prefer a dram to a pint, sample large selections of Scotch whiskies at

Ceilidh Venues

Rather than sitting at the bar all night, why not try traditional dancing ?

Pubs and restaurants

Quite frankly, there are too many! Which means that whatever you feel like eating or drinking, you can probably find it in Glasgow. These listings can help:

Live music

Many pubs and bars have live music playing. See the Gig Guide for weekly updated information.


Glasgow has a very large and varied museum offering, in the relatively small area of the City:

Merchant City Festival

Merchant City lies just to the south of the University of Strathclyde, and its annual festival runs from 25th of July until the 1st of August. There are many live events, gigs, food stalls, and a parade, so check out the Merchant City Festival


Bard in the Botanics is a series of Shakespearean plays performed outdoors in the beautiful Botanic Gardens.


Finally, why not simply relax and enjoy the sun (when there is some), in one of the city’s beautiful parks: