
SUSSP71 School Photo 30th July 2015

Update: Lecture notes of LT updated. We will be in touch to get your feedback and to confirm your address for delivery of the School proceedings

The 71st Scottish Universities Summer School in Physics is at the University of Strathclyde, Glasgow, 21 July to 2 August 2015. SUSSP71 is aimed at early stage researchers and is part of the long-running Scottish Universities Summer Schools in Physics (SUSSP) series.

The speakers for SUSSP71 are:

DSC00879During the last 25 years the emphasis of fundamental quantum physics theory and experiments has shifted from simply generating and measuring quantum systems towards the purposeful control and manipulation of their dynamics. This is mainly driven by the rapidly-developing fields of quantum technologies including metrology, sensing, quantum simulation, and computation. Most of the underlying fundamental physical ideas grew from quantum optics, the first field where it was possible to control the evolution of single quantum entities, atoms or photons. SUSSP71 will provide an intensive programme, with formal lectures and discussion sessions on quantum optics and control of quantum dynamics.

SUSSP71 Committee
John Jeffers (Director); Paul Griffin, Daniel Oi, Alison Yao (Secretaries); Marco Piani (Treasurer); Aidan Arnold, Gian-Luca Oppo (Proceedings Editors); Erling Riis, Andrew Daley, Stefan Kuhr (Scientific Committee)


We are proud to be supported by the following organisations:

Scottish Universities Summer Schools in Physics

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